Sponsor a Book Drive

Partnerships with the GAT Foundation can mutually benefit organisations company values and commitments. Participants are able to experience first-hand involvement by collecting books and raising environmental and educational awareness. This also allows individuals to actively engage with their wider communities by sharing and promoting social, environmental and educational change by re-homing books.

How does it work?

Personal engagement is the driving force! Organisations are encouraged to be leaders and promote social and environmental change by collecting books. The best thing about recycling books, its FREE!

Please refer to our step by step recycling diagram.

Start a Project

Working together to directly impact communities

Projects can be tailored to your organisation and can assist with the following:

  • Identify social responsibility goals
  • Determining the beneficiary for your book donation – for example: elementary, high school, orphanage
  • Creating a sustainable partnership for the benefit of empowering lives in communities

Interested in starting a project, please fill out the form below or email info@gatfoundation.org.au: